Special VRA Investment Update: Here We Go Again. The CV Insanity Playbook, Next Chapter. My Thoughts.
/Good Friday morning all and hope everyone in the states had a great Thanksgiving. Half day of trading in the US today.
We went to bed last night with Dow futures -300 on fears of a new CV variant out of South Africa (uh-huh) and we woke up to losses of -800.
My thoughts:
- Now we know why the Nasdaq internals have been so horrible. “The tell”.
- Is this the CV playbook, next chapter? The vaccines have failed miserably…from humanities point of view…but they’ve almost certainly spawned this rash of variants all over the planet, which is also likely by design. They needed a reason to introduce “new and improved vaccines”. As Bill Gates admitted in recent interview (below), “it’s time to try something new”. Like the current vaxxes, only God knows what will be in the new breed. But quick, jab your kids (HARD pass).
- We’ve long wondered how they would try and rig the mid-terms. Only way to do it is to keep unlimited mail-in voting going. Let’s hope R’s are bright enough to recognize the steal this time (always a fair question).
- Over the last week on Twitter we noticed that they had started suspending and banning truth tellers again…numerous world renowned doctors and medical experts have recently been suspended or kicked off. Social media co’s commonly do this in advance of the next chapter of “the playbook”. Early Thursday morning I was placed in Twitter jail again, suspended for a week…my 4th suspension. I’ll be banned soon as well…likely my last strike before its permanent. Here’s the tweet that did it…must not talk about therapeutics or natural immunity…and must NEVER reveal the plandemic.

- Not only will the next chapter negate the need for tapering to continue, much less rate hikes (QE Infinity!), but it will help Team Biden (permanent ruling class) pass their monstrosity of a stimulus plan. Again, this has been the repeating pattern from the birth of CV insanity. Must keep people in fear…including of course our elected officials…in order to pass trillions more in stimulus and QE.
- The Big Bribe (TM) lives on!
- Here at the VRA we’ve said…repeatedly…that CV is long over, from the markets point of view. That should continue to be the case. Think about it this way; how far will the markets fall before they then begin to discount the additional trillions in stimulus and QE now on the way?
- The one unknown; if this is the hard new push for new jabs, or to rig the midterms, how far might they take this??
- We’ll be watching Semis, Nasdaq and tech stocks. They lead in both directions.
- Gold is up $22/oz. providing its role as safe haven asset class. The 10 yr is down to 1.53% this AM, also in a flight to safety trade.
- Oil is down 5% on European travel bans already announced. Fauci the fraud said this AM that we may have them soon as well. I encourage everyone to read The Real Anthony Fauci by RRK, Jr. Evil walks among us…as it leads our nations death-care system at the same time.
- We’ve recently taken profits in 3 lev ETF’s (SOXL, TNA and NAIL), while adding one (ERX). We will use the VRA Investing System to begin adding positions once again.
A must-watch video, in the event you may have forgotten the never-ending lies of these absolute frauds (Gates, Fauci, CDC, etc, etc, etc)

They love their soccer in the UK so when top players and coaches start collapsing on the field, with several dying in the prime of their careers, even the sheep in Europe are waking up.
Time for new vaccines (the next page in the playbook)

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