VRA Update: Just In Case You Needed a Reminder - Life Today VS Where Life SHOULD Be Today
/Quick question: Where would the US economy be...growth/health wise...without the FED's Quantitative Easing (QE) of the last 5 years? In other words, without the more than $4 trillion in freshly printed fiat currency by the US Central Bank ($15 trillion + globally)...money that will soon come back to all of us as rampant inflation first, followed by hyperinflation...what kind of economic shape would the US be in today??
Answer: In 2009-2010, the initial hit to the economy, real estate, and to stock markets would have brutal....no question about it. Without the FED's interference, there is zero doubt in my mind that panic in the investment markets would have ensued...far worse than it was. MANY weak banks would have failed...same thing with many of Wall Street's gambling investment houses. Both groups used massive amounts of leverage... 30-100 to 1....which means THEY SHOULD HAVE FAILED. Instead, they were rewarded with taxpayer bailouts through the $700 billion TARP (troubled asset relief program).
END RESULT: Each of the monied, criminalized financial groups that were at the time considered "Too Big to Fail", are now 100%+ LARGER than before 2008...and would have either failed completely or been forced into mergers with healthier companies. To steal a title from Little River Band, this would have been a very "Cool Change". In addition, any honest investigation of the smarmy miscreants in each of these financial behemoths would have found unrivaled levels of financial criminality. And, just as Iceland acted to put their own banking criminals in jail for 10-30 year sentences, an "honest" US legal system would have done the same on our shores. Instead....there have been ZERO convictions...freaking ZERO! Just in case you had any doubts that the fix was in...now you know for certain. All made possible by your and my tax dollars...thank you very much.
Without the FED's ongoing manipulation, yes...US real estate prices would have dropped 30-60%. Oh wait...that's exactly what DID happen! So....there would have been ZERO difference in our real estate/housing situation throughout the US. In fact, this situation would have allowed "honest" buyers of real estate...you and me... to swoop in and buy phenomenal pieces of real estate/homes at true "value level prices". Instead, here's what HAS taken place. These same banking and Wall Street criminal masterminds took OUR taxpayer funded bailout money...combined with the FED's ZIRP (zero interest rate policy...as in ZERO percent interest rates for 5 years) and bought 90% of available real estate right at the very bottom. Sure...if you acted quickly, you could have also picked up some deals...but pretty much only if you were an expert at real estate already. If not....too late...the big boys took it all. Scam < Understatement.
Finally....what about the stock market and the jobs market? History is VERY clear on this subject...so this is a really simple answer. In past economic shocks, history shows time and again, that WITHOUT government/FED intervention, economic shocks like these are OVER in 6-12 months...with an incredibly strong recovery following that lasts for years...in other words, a REAl recovery...not this crappy, negative growth (trust me, the real numbers are negative) economy we all face today.
So...yes, the stock market may have dropped by more than 50% and the unemployment rate may have spiked to 20%. Wait....again, this is EXACTLY what did happen!
But folks, jus think for a moment about the type of economy and overall US we would have had today...without all the trillions in new debt and fiat currency that we will be faced to deal with through the coming Greatest Global Depression.
Dealt with honestly and with character (what we do when no one is looking) these same criminals would be in jail, where they belong. We would have seen an economic revival for the record books....with REAL jobs, rather than "money jobs" that create nothing, harm the world far more than any fictional global warming ever possibly could (another Wall Street creation by the way....I witnessed it first hand on Wall Street), and, best of all... the good people of the US would run things going forward.
Instead....well, we know what we are left with...the stench is beyond putrid.
Anyone with a Forest Gump IQ or higher knows deep down exactly where this is headed.
For those that are prepared....wow....talk about massive levels of never before seen opportunity.
And folks....deep down...this is what the VRA has always been about. Always will be.
Until next time, thanks again for reading.