First they ignore you...then they ridicule you...then they fight you...then you win


First they ignore you...then they ridicule you...then they fight you...then you win

Mohatma Gandhi

 This classic Gandhi quote from more than 70 years ago likely resonates with many of your reading this. We are taught from kindergarten on that we should raise our hand before speaking, that we should act with the rest of the group, and that the majority view is the correct, and therefore the safe view. Many times, individual thinking is frowned upon, and as a result, many (if not most) have become accustomed to the mindset that it's just safer to go along to get along.

 Likewise, regardless of your professional occupation, you have probably found that this exact thought process has been ever so subtly forced on you. Throughout life, and regardless of the it religion, politics, business, relationships, or investing...those that think outside the box, and then have the temerity to share their views with others, can many times be viewed as eccentric and a little kooky, if not radical and slightly dangerous. This is exactly how Gandhi was viewed throughout much of his adult life, as he taught his fellow countrymen and women in India the principles of resistance to tyranny through mass civil disobedience...AND in complete nonviolence...a philosophy that he lived, day-in day-out, for all to see and learn from. Gandhi made independence for India a reality with this philosophy, which also inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.

 First they ignore you...then they ridicule you...then they fight you...then you win 

 But it's a little crazy to compare the accomplishments of one of the most principled visionaries and true leaders of all time to the topic of investing and wealth creation, right? this the exact approach that we should all work on in order to achieve our most sought after goals and dreams? Independent thinking, in my opinion, is the key to everything important in your life. Too often, we fall into the very dangerous trap of seeking the acceptance of others over thoughtful independent thinking, and then following through with actions that are in our own best interests.

 When you break free from "group think" and begin thinking outside the box, you will develop a level of inner confidence that allows you to reach heights never before achieved. And yes, with big ideas and an independent thought process you will likely find that your ideas are at first ignored and ridiculed. Then, when you begin to make people really uncomfortable, they may even fight you. This is when you will know that you have won.

 No, this is not my typical VRA update, but its a topic I have spent a lifetime thinking about. This mindset that allowed me to create the VRA in 2003 and empowered Karl Bessey and I to start Wealth Masters International in 2005.  It also gave us permission to become equal opportunity offenders...which then enabled us to create the unique, never-before-seen kind of company that WMI is today...beholden to no one. I believe that it's also why we picked up the moniker of The Worlds Premier Wealth Creation Community. We realized long ago that the majority is just about always wrong...and that it's been big thinking contrarians throughout history that have created the vast majority of wealth, and even more importantly, massive personal success through the concept of helping others to achieve what they want out of life.

 In my daily work with Wealth Masters, the VRA and CrashProof Prosperity, I meet and speak with literally hundreds of people each month that I know would benefit greatly from the adoption of this powerful approach to living life...and to living it on your terms. And it absolutely applies to creating massive amounts of wealth. Lemmings don't tend to do too well when they go over that cliff together.   

 This exact mindset is increasingly prevalent in our welfare minded, entitlement deserving state of mind.

 Today, more recipients collect money from the government than pay taxes. 

  • The US is now past 100% debt to GDP for the first time in our nations history. Throughout Europe, this number is consistently 130% plus, and in Japan, it's a staggering 230%. 

  • A record 48 million in the US are on food stamps, and nearly 1 in 4 receive money from the government each month. 

  • When Ronald Reagan took office in 1980, total government debt was $1 it stands at more than $15 trillion, and is projected to rise to more than $23 trillion by 2015...less than 3 years from now!

  • Combined, including unfunded liabilities (entitlement programs), the US now has more than $117 trillion in total debt. 

  • Finally, the US debt is now 5000 times greater than it was in 1913. Why is this year significant? 1913 is the year the Federal Reserve was created...the year that currency inflation became our largest financial threat. The global destruction of the middle class is the end result.  

 First they ignore you...then they ridicule you...then they fight you...then you win

 The facts presented here are just that...facts. By accessing the most valuable commodity on the planet...true are empowered to act in your best interests, and obtain your share of the ongoing $50 trillion wealth transfer. Have you ever wondered why it takes two incomes in your family to enjoy the same standard of living that just one income made possible just 20-30 years ago? Currency inflation...thanks to the Central Banks of the world, have robbed us of our savings, and made most everything we are forced to purchase on a daily basis much more expensive. 

 With the record debts laid out above, do you believe this situation will become better or worse going forward?

 Some 70 years ago, Gandhi made a difference in the lives of hundreds of millions by resisting tyranny through peaceful civil disobedience. Courage isn't easy...but what would you rather be remembered for? Going along to get along or taking a stand for speaking the truth and doing the right thing?

 After's YOUR life. Why live it to make someone else happy?

 First they ignore you...then they ridicule you...then they fight you...then you win

 This $50 trillion wealth transfer is picking up speed...continue to find the courage to make the right decisions.
