Behind it All - The Crime Against Humanity

Behind it All - The Crime Against Humanity

Know this; the poverty that’s invading the world is due primarily to one single event…the implementation of fiat currency as a monetary medium of exchange. I have been writing and educating about this most important issue for a decade, and if the 99% of the worlds population that have no clue about the truth of funny money were to wake up one morning with a real understanding of the single biggest fraud ever perpetrated on mankind, we would be witness to fully warranted global unrest on a scale unimaginable… directed towards those in government/politics/banking (mostly shadow) that are directly responsible.  

Watching the riots taking place in and around London are both telling and a shot across the bow, wherever you may live. First, we all know the real reason that riots…social unrest…are taking place; the realities of economic depression and the fear that things have almost no chance of getting better. Forget about the governments official unemployment figures…because those rioting certainly have. Young people, aged 18-30, know that the real rate is 30% (in London and most everywhere else), but they still don’t know the root cause for their economic misery.

Before this global crisis is over, that will change.

Since the creation of the Federal Reserve (and sister central banks in crime) the money we use has lost more than 90% of its value. Stop for a moment and let this sink in…we’ve each experienced, thanks to to the mafia of money, a loss in purchasing power of more than 90%!  The mainstream press calls this “inflation”, but this simplistic definition falls so far short of the truth that it would be a joke if the outcome was not so cruel.

But we know the real reason for rising prices and a greatly diminished way of life;  currency inflation!  Massive amounts of printing of every currency on the globe to fund our bankrupt governments way of life…this crime against humanity reduces the value of our hard work/savings/investments…and it does it on a 24/7 basis, robbing us even while we sleep.

So, when you see the riots in London, and when these same riots then come to your own back door, remember this VRA update. You can also find an in-depth discussion on this subject, along with our criminal cabal of “leaders” behind it, in my book CrashProof Prosperity, WMI’s documentary The Conspiracy Against Your Money, and of course the classic by G Edward Griffin, The Creature from Jekyll Island.

Finally, we recently learned that the FED intends to GUARANTEE that interest rates will remain low for the next two years, which in theory will promote economic growth and force money into riskier investments (long term debt and stocks).

This guarantee from Bernanke reminds me of his statement of a few months back when he guaranteed that he could also stop inflation in its tracks. In the future it will be fun to add these current guarantees to the LONG list of past economic events that Bernanke was dead wrong about.

The stock market is collapsing and we are now witness to the next big leg down. Regardless of short term manipulation by the FED, the place to be is VRA recommended securities. Gold, silver, short stocks and debt…the speed of tumbling dominos can be heard all over the world...and funny money fiat currency is to blame for it all.
