Wealth Transfer Alert!
/Wealth Transfer Alert!
It was March 2005 and we were in the recording studio working on the first edition of our m1 Masters Program. I prefer not to use a script when working on projects like this, so when I get going its pretty much free flow and one take. After recording for about 45 minutes I stopped to take a break and get a drink of water. That’s when I noticed the looks on the faces of the two guys working in the studio…and I could tell they probably thought I was either a little crazy or ill-informed.
As we played the recording back I’m certain they thought I would want to have a do-over. I was warning about the dangers of the Federal Reserve, currency inflation that could lead to hyperinflation, the inherent problems of using a fiat currency, the coming crash in real estate and the stock market, and clear reasons why everyone should move from an outdated, old paradigm lifestyle to a new paradigm mindset that brings with it opportunities for generational wealth creation.
6 years later this month, there’s nothing on that first m1 that I wish I would have re-recorded, and the same applies to my partner Karl along with the 10 other expert alliances on wealth, health and wisdom. Together, we’ve worked very hard to position our Members, regardless of their current financial situation, for the massive changes that we see coming our way.
The end result is that we’ve shown tens of thousands in well over 100 countries how to prepare for the largest transfer of wealth in history. At the same time, our Members have gained life-long access to an incredibly special community of likeminded thinkers…each working towards complete freedom in their life.
Freedom means different things to different people, but the journey for everyone begins the same. And in every case it begins with learning the real truth about what is happening in the world around you.
For the first time ever…regardless of the country you live in….a conspiracy of unprecedented magnitude is unfolding. Globally, a $50 trillion transfer of wealth is underway, and unless you are among the privileged few…the typically insider’s educated elite…you will almost certainly be on the wrong end of the equation.
As we covered in the 2010 WMI documentary, The Conspiracy Against Your Money, this wealth transfer is causing very bad things to happen to very good people, yet few even recognize it, much less know how to deal with it.
Many have chosen to bury their heads in the sand, hoping against hope that things will get better. Unfortunately they will not, especially for those that are unprepared for the adversity coming their way. And in this case, that means 99% of the planet…those caught in an old paradigm mindset.
We’ve also remained committed to the belief system that the truth resonates, and that people instinctively recognize the truth when they see it and hear it. The end result is our Members are developing a game plan so powerful that they will not only survive, but prosper enormously going forward. They know that more fortunes are created during times of calamity than at any other time in history, and as a group we’ve decided to earn our fair share of this record wealth transfer.
As of today, we have officially crossed the line that we first began warning about in 2005. Events in the world economy have begun to unfold in seemingly uncontrollable fashion. Clueless governments still don’t understand that it was their ruinous actions that created a credit infested, fiat currency based, bankrupt world. They didn’t learn this lesson from their mistakes of the 1930’s and now it’s too late to prevent a similar outcome. They will continue to prescribe the same remedy that caused the problem in the first place, specifically more government bailouts and more printed money. The consequences are clear…we will see hyperinflation, economic misery, and in many parts of the world, social unrest…very similar to what we are beginning to witness in the Middle East, North Africa, and even in parts of Europe and the US today.
Never in history has the world been in a situation when virtually all major industrialized countries are bankrupt at the same time. Many feel that because there is really no precedent for what will happen in the next few years that our future looks bleak, and possibly even frightening.
Were I still stuck in my old Wall Street mindset I might share in this dark and pessimistic view. Sure, I am concerned about what is headed our way, and I am extremely concerned for those that remain unprepared. However, there is a big flip side to this coin. Again, it is times just like these where massive wealth is created. The economic uncertainty unfolding will cause many to be scared and unsure of what their future holds. And while some of you reading this may go through periods where you share those same concerns, the most important thing you can do is to maintain a laser like focus on the opportunities that exist all around you.
Why You Have to Join us in Puerto Rico
“Opportunity” is the key word for our upcoming m2 Wealth Conference in Puerto Rico (April 10-14). This is our 12th m2, and the more than 15 world class experts presenting at this m2 are going to make it our most important and powerful event to date. We’re not just prepared for this never before seen wealth transfer…we have every angle of it figured out and now we’re ready to take our millions and billions from it. Over the next 3 years we plan to create hundreds of multi-millionaires, and we invite you to join us…the worlds premier wealth creation community.
You see, entrepreneurs and independent thinkers will be the biggest winners of all in the years to come, and the world class investment and wealth creation strategies at this m2 are sure to blow your mind. Combined with your WMI education and your connection to our community of like-minded visionaries, you will find that everything you need… you actually already possess.
As of today we’ve been told that we have less than 50 rooms left, and we will keep registration open as long as possible…but it’s first come first serve so time is limited.
Looking forward to seeing you at the m2!