Summers Rock!

That’s right…the m2 announcement from yesterday was not a mistake and did not contain typos. We’re giving away not one, but two homes at the m2 Wealth Conference in Las Vegas, November 15-18. 

Total Value...$150k to 200k…which is probably still too low of an estimate. We will have a full film crew there to capture the moment when we give the keys to the new owners…off the charts exciting. I don’t know about you but I never had the opportunity to win a free home. Free oven mitts once, but never a home.   

Over the next few weeks our staff will be sending emails to everyone in WMI (each with new details) about this m2 every 5 days or so. Together, they will paint a clear picture for first time attendees, as well as for repeaters, as to why this m2 is such an important event. Hint: we’re giving away much more than just two homes. By attending, you will also be the first to find out how your income is going to skyrocket in 2010. From inception, one of our primary goals has been to create 500 “enlightened millionaires”, including taking WMI public. You might be surprised to find out how close we are to making this a reality…and turning your stock options into a valuable commodity.   

So, stay tuned and read each “chapter” as it arrives in your inbox. This is an event that you have to attend…as you’re beginning to see. 

Finally, I just wrapped up the best summer I think I can remember. Our youngest (Sam) made the All Star team and we were one win away from winning State (Texas), and then ESPN and the Little League World Series. The best team doesn’t always win…something that we discovered when the other side hit a grand slam in the last inning (to win by one run). But what an incredible time we had…and great memories and life lessons for Sam.

Our oldest (Tyler) just started his senior year in high school, and as you can see below we wrapped up our summer in Maui. Tyler was invited to a college baseball showcase in Maui, so we were forced to turn it into a vacation…darn it. As you can tell, we are a baseball family through and through. 

As everyone wraps up their own summer, I hope yours was great as well. We’re now entering the most lucrative part of the year for entrepreneurs (September – May), and I look forward to helping each of you reach your goals. Let’s make it happen together. 

Your partner in WMI,