Limit Down!

So...will this finally be the blow off? The 1000 point down Friday, followed by another black Monday?

It sure looks like it and as I've been writing, this will get very ugly before its all over. I would not be surprised to see some real panic finally start to set in. So far the average person has taken this all in stride, and has not sold their mutual funds or liquidated their 401ks. Once that finally happens we can  start talking about a short term bottom being in place.

This is the deleveraging process that had to happen at some point, and my friends, its here with a bang. In the days to come there will be serious discussion about a global depression, and all the while global governments will be dropping interest rates and throwing as much money at the problem as they can.  

This will only add to the coming precious metals bull market.  

This is no time to be a hero, so don't try to find the bottom and buy stocks here. If you have not sold by now then its really too late. That day will come, and when it does, we will be ready.

Good luck!
