Given Up On the Stock Market? Most Have - And That's a BIG Retirement Mistake

While close to 70% of the public has sworn off investing in stocks, contrarians are riding stocks to record highs. My job is to show you how to beat Wall Street at its own game...and it's really not hard when you know the game better than they do. The question you need to ask yourself is; "will I be able to retire if I choose NOT to invest in stocks?"

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Massive European Bailout On The Way & Dow 24,000??

Will Greece and Lehman Brothers Share the Same Fate?? As I tweeted (@kherriage) last week, letting Greece leave the eurozone would be like the FED allowing Lehman Brothers to go bankrupt in September, 2008...oh wait...that actually happened (and we know the economic carnage that followed).

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70% of the Public Has Given Up on Stocks. 1234% in Profits Makes This Mistake Clear.

1234% in Profits – How VRA Subscribers Turned $10,000 into $123,400 – In 12 Months I've seen it all in my 30 years in the investment industry. And what I know today...February 15, that the vast majority of stock market investors are sick and tied of watching the Elite 1% run their scams and schemes.

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Financial Frankenstein is On the Prowl

The ECB just announced their own version of US style QE, and the news is big….USD $1.4 trillion in QE between now and September 2016. As I’ve been predicting, “the ECB will surpass $1 trillion in QE before all is said and done”…and low and behold, they went big right out of the gate.

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VRA Update: Just In Case You Needed a Reminder - Life Today VS Where Life SHOULD Be Today

Quick question: Where would the US economy be...growth/health wise...without the FED's Quantitative Easing (QE) of the last 5 years? In other words, without the more than $4 trillion in freshly printed fiat currency by the US Central Bank ($15 trillion + globally)...

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VRA Update: If This Isn’t a Depression, What is?? Plus, VRA Just Booked Gains of 135% and 70%...In Less Than A Week

Before I get to this investment update, I have to share something that is shocking to even me…and increasingly, it’s becoming much more difficult to shock me. The Eurozone's youth unemployment rate (18-25 years old) was just released and it is beyond terrible. Figures out today put this rate at 23.3%...and remember folks, this is the EU “official” rate…

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1000 Point Drop Coming - Time for 200% Plus Returns Once Again!

Kip, I was skeptical, as other newsletters have burned me in the past. I came in and used puts on the S&P and made more money in just 3 months than I‘ve ever made in investing. That’s over 40 years by the way. I’m 7 for 8 with you so far and about to buy that Tesla you write about with my gains. Just really glad I got your email. MP

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Janet Yellen is Ben Bernanke on Steroids, with a Lobotomy

Now that Helicopter Ben is gone, in order to figure out exactly how this new FED will continue to manipulate the financial markets, we need to know more about new FED Chair Janet Yellen. First, her background is as an Ivy league left wing liberal, and for many reading this, you may already know everything that you need to know.

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